First it asked you to register, then when it comes to the part of filling in your data, it won't allow uploading your profile pic. While it says max 5 mb pic with jpeg format. Mine was only 0.9 mb for god sake!!! Tried 5 different pics. Then i gave up. Uninstall. Don't bother installing this app peeps. Ga ada guna.
HOW TO PERMANENTLY DELETE MY ACCOUNT? PLEASE HELP ME! LET ME DELETE MY ACCOUNT! Because I can't find the option to delete my account here ...JOBS.ID :(
Cannot good work. I dont know why but i try to uninstall and install again stiln't work. Hahaha....
Cannot complete the personal information Failed to click "next button" to fill information about education background. Please fix it
Tidak bisa unggah foto profil. Tidak bisa digunakan
Not recommended, banyak lowongan fiktif, meminta biaya kepada pelamar pekerjaan, banyak perusahaan yang tidak jelas membuat lowongan disini.
tiap ganti foto profil selalu gagal force stop.
Gak ada 3 menit make aplikasi ini, lngsng uninstall. Upload foto aja forced close terus, apalagi buat apply kerjaan. C'mon, banyak bad comment. Do something dude!
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